Welcome to my blog. If you're addicted to books, like I am, then you've come to the right place. I mostly write about books and my experiences reading them. These are very personal book reviews. (If you can even call them book reviews...) I’m a true believer that none of us lives in a vacuum. When you read a book, watch a movie, listen to a song, etc., you absorb that art form into your life experience, and it changes you. But you also change it, because no two people see anything the same way. The way I interpret a novel may be totally different from the way you will. It’s still the same novel, but the meaning for each of us is unique. Once you express that meaning, it changes the art. So these posts are about how these books fit into my life. I’d love to hear how they fit into yours. Please make comment and share your experience.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Train Wreck Review of Messages by Stan Romanek

My husband, Adam, would call this book a "train wreck." That's his phrase for something that is so horrible you can't believe you're watching it and yet it's fascinating enough to hold your attention even though you feel ashamed for staring, like tabloid news or bad sit-coms.  Messages is like that---so bad you almost can't look away.   This was a pick for one of my book clubs.  Subtext---I would not have picked this book on my own.  It's not available in my local library so I spent a whole $4.00 on Amazon to have my copy sent to me.  (And yes, that stings...)

In Messages:  The World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story, Stan Romanek narrates his tale of alien abductions and many close encounters with extra terrestrials and UFOs in this completely irritating book.  This is the most poorly written book I think I've ever read. It has no plot or organized structure. Each chapter details encounter after encounter as Romanek tries to convince the reader that these events really happened. In the hands of a more skilled writer, perhaps Stan's stories could have broader appeal.  

I'm not going to waste anymore time on this review, but I plan to keep this book forever, so whenever I need an example of over-writing, I can open it up to any page and remind myself that less is more...

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